Mind-blowing Facts About Employees
July 14, 2014Towers-Watson Global Workforce Study found that 52% of employees either do not trust or are unsure about their level of trust in their leaders.
The Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends study (2500+ organizations) found that the #2 issue we face (78% of business leaders rate urgent or important) is retention and engagement.
According to Gallup’s State of The American Workplace study, 70% of American workers are not engaged. Even more troubling is that workplace engagement levels have hardly budged since Gallup began measuring them in 2000, with fewer than one-third of Americans engaged in their jobs in any given year.
A published study by Duke University found that more than 40% of the actions employees perform each day are not actual decisions; but habits.
P.S. Build employee engagement by bridging their trust in leadership who can coach them into formulating the right habits. Your employees, whether you admit it or not, are your biggest concern.