Category: Blog

Cover Letters Count

No resume should ever stand alone. Send a cover letter with every resume unless a posting or advertisement specifically instructs you not to. In a recent survey of 150 executives from the top 1,000 U.S. companies, 60% said that when they screen applications, the cover letter was equally important, or more important, than the resume. 

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Building Your Network of References

References Will Matter

It is never too early to begin developing a network of qualified references that can validate your skills and experience levels. In order to be prepared, have this information ready for any interaction with a potential employer. According to a survey done by the Society for Human Resource Management, more than 80% of employers conduct reference checks on all candidates.

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Getting Ready to Start Your Job Search

Know Your Audience. What is the employer looking for?

This is one of the primary questions raised by job hunters. In the age of technology, this kind of research is becoming easier. Employers know how easy it is for candidates to learn about their organization and product/service lines; therefore, they expect this kind of preparation from every candidate. With information so accessible, there is no excuse for poor research.

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Good service, bad service both come with a price

By James M. Carchidi  – Central Penn Business Journal

Does a staffing agency’s pricing structure reflect the value it provides to its customers? What is the trade off for price cutting? Poor quality, waiting in limbo for services to be executed or maybe the staffing agency focuses attention toward their more profitable accounts.

Let’s be realistic here. To meet your needs in a timely manner — without compromising processes or selection criteria — staffing agencies must maintain a fair return on investment. Any agency that commits to a blue-light special, rock-bottom rate is ultimately doing your company a disservice.

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Black and Silver Round Analog Watch

How many hours will you work in a lifetime?

A quick Google search will reveal that we can expect to spend 90,360 hours on the job, working.  That is 1/3 of our lives!  How do you spend each of those hours?  Are you engaged in what you do?  Another Google search, and you will find that 70% of U.S. employees are not engaged by their jobs.  The scary fact is that 7 in 10 people are exhausting 1/3 of their lives slogging into a job feeling stuck on a treadmill of emptiness.  Sounds nonsensical, right?

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Colleagues discussing business strategy in office

What Really is Professional Development?

This month’s blog was written by Will Richard of the JFC family.  A little about his military service: 4 years in the Army with a year tour in Iraq, Rank:  Sergeant, Company:  756th EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), MOS/Job: EOD/Bomb Squad

The term “professional development” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. In its simplest form, it is the continual process of acquiring new skills and knowledge as it applies to their career. It requires turning your focus inward to self-reflect and take an honest appraisal of yourself.

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Photo of Woman Sitting on Wheelchair

Vulnerability & Professional Development

What does Professional Development mean to me…

By Jen Silvetti, JFC Workforce Branch Manager

Honestly- I didn’t know what it was until I started working at JFC.  Every other job previously was just that, a job.  I showed up on time every day and worked to the best of my ability.  Not until I joined the JFC work family did my professional and personal worlds collide so drastically.

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