Category: Case Study

Case Study: The Value of Partnership with a Recruiting Firm in a Competitive Industry

Client Background

In the competitive landscape of the education industry, institutions often face fluctuating demands that require swift and strategic HR solutions. One such instance occurred with a prominent educational institution, which found itself in urgent need of HR support during an exceptionally busy period.

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Case Study: Finding the Perfect Developer for a Local Business – Urgent situation!

Client Overview:

Our client, a local company in a very specific niche industry, faced a significant challenge in recruiting a skilled developer specializing in enterprise management and accounting applications. Their previous attempts to find the right candidate through general job boards like Indeed had been unsuccessful

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Navigating the Search: Behind the Scenes of Filling a VP of IT Role

In the fast-paced world of corporate IT, unexpected vacancies can send shockwaves through an organization, especially during critical projects like system migrations. Such was the case for one client whose VP of IT retired suddenly, leaving a gap in leadership right in the midst of a mission-critical migration. This prompted the client’s President and CEO to turn to JFC Global for assistance.

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Exceeding Expectations- Success in Collaboration with JFC Global

At JFC Global, we recognize the importance of resilience and success in talent acquisition. Our recent partnership with two clients in the utilities industry highlights the transformative power of perseverance and collaboration. We take pride in uniting qualified candidates with reputable companies, whether the search has been ongoing or there’s an urgent need at hand. Today, we’re excited to share a case study from two real clients whose partnership through JFC Global led to remarkable success.

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Critical Staffing Shortages Solved by Local Niche Recruiting Firm – A Case Study

Rapid Results & Ideal Matches for Immediate Help Desk Opening

At the crossroads of unexpected staffing shortages and budget constraints, our client faced a challenging dilemma when an employee informed them about their upcoming FMLA leave. With no immediate budget allocation for a new hire, the newly short-staffed company turned to JFC Global, a trusted local niche recruiting firm, for assistance.

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