Candidate Search

Senior Planner/Operations Analyst

Has BS in Supply Chain & Operations Management. Almost completed with Masters in Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship, primary concentration in Engineering Management and secondary in Negotiation & Influence.
Has 8+ years experience in various operations & supply chain capacities.
Highly experienced in priving process improvements, production planning/analytics, lean change agent, processing RFQs, building demand planning systems.
Highly experienced in SAP, PowerBI, SQL, Microsoft Project.
Experienced in pharmaceutical & electro-mechanical/HVAC industries.
Exceptional candidate, very abitious.
Available to interview immediately.

Category: Logistics/Supply Chain

Reference: 539416

If you’re looking to hire a Senior Planner/Operations Analyst or related professional, contact:

1520 Market St.
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Toll Free: 1-888-JFC-JOBS
Ph: (717) 761-8095

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